torsdag den 21. februar 2008

The Taliban Strikes Back

By the Summer of 1998 the Taliban was rearmed by the Pakistani and Saudis, Iran has finished airlifting military supplies to the Hazaras in Bamiyan, and Russia stockpiled tons of weapons in Kulyab for Massoud.

The talibs' advance at Mazar-i-Sharif began on July 12, 1998. By August 1 they have captured Shiberghan, Doustum's headquarters. He himself again fled to Uzbekistan. On August 8 Mazar-i-Sharif fell.

Most Hazaras found in the city were executed, part of them through the containerization, as a revenge for the talibs' deaths a year ago. Eleven Iranian diplomats who worked in the consulate there have been killed, as a result of which Iran began preparations to a full scale invasion of Afghanistan and moved its troops to the border.

On September 13 the talibs entered Bamiyan.

The next year was spent in a positional war with Massoud who has united all the forces willing to fight the Taliban under the name of the Northern Alliance. On September 5, 1999 his forces left Taloqan, Massoud's headquarters, and withdrew to Badakhshan. By now the Taliban controlled 90% of the country, and the Northern Alliance — one province out of 32.

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